Code of Conduct

Ravendawn is a game designed to promote fun in a safe and healthy place for all players. While we strongly encourage our players to interact with each other, crossing the line into abuse and engaging in anti-competitive actions is not acceptable. The Code of Conduct has been planned so the players can be assured Ravendawn's team will always try to protect and ensure a great environment for everyone.

Tavernlight Games has the right to modify the Code of Conduct at any time and also has the right to take appropriate actions to protect the integrity and the game's purposes, including temporarily restricting the access to accounts on a preventive basis with the sole purpose of investigating any suspicion of irregularity. Determining what is acceptable or not, depending on the context of the situation, is the sole and exclusive responsibility of Tavernlight Games, so are the decisions of any restrictions to be applied to accounts. Tavernlight Games also reserves the right to restrict accounts without any compensation.

Violating any of the following policies may result in account restrictions. If you are uncertain about the acceptability of your actions, we strongly advise you to reconsider them. Additionally, if you encounter another player who is violating the policies outlined below, please report them to a Game Master (GM) or Community Manager (CM). Reports must be submitted within 7 days from the date of the incident.

1 - Communication

Respecting others is of utmost importance in Ravendawn, and you are responsible for how you express yourself in the game, especially when using the communication channels. We expect all players to treat each other with respect and foster an enjoyable environment. Therefore, the following activities are not allowed:

1.1 - Inappropriate Language or Behavior

  • 1.1.1 - Engaging in verbal or written violence with the intention of threatening, insulting, mocking, ridiculing, or using offensive language towards other players in a manner that exceeds the context of the game's fantasy, including (but not limited to) terms that are defamatory, obscene, sexually explicit, hateful, illegal, or that may damage their experience in any way.
  • 1.1.2 - Sharing, spreading, or transmitting any real personal information about other players without their consent. This includes their name, address, phone number, photo, account name, or any other data that could compromise their security or privacy.
  • 1.1.3 - Engaging in flooding or spamming by repeatedly sending the same or similar messages with the intent of obstructing communication channels.
  • 1.1.4 - Providing false information to Tavernlight Games through tickets, forums, or any other means of communication with the intention of gaining advantages such as items, currencies, values, promotions, events, or any products offered by Tavernlight Games.
  • 1.1.5 - Choosing nicknames that contain obscene, offensive or discriminatory language.

1.2 - Discriminatory and/or Violent Behavior

  • 1.2.1 - Promoting any form of distinction, exclusion, restriction, or using language or terms with the purpose of humiliating, insulting, harming, or spreading hate speech towards other players or groups. This includes (but is not limited to) discrimination based on ethnicity, political views, religion, economic status, geography, social background, or cultural differences.
  • 1.2.2 - Associating with any group whose name is based or founded on sexist, anti-religious, unethical, homophobic or discriminatory ideologies.
  • 1.2.3 - Advocating for any behavior considered extreme that exceeds the context of the game's fantasy, including (but not limited to) torture, sexual violence, and violent crimes.

1.3 - Irregular Advertisements

  • 1.3.1 - Engaging in marketing, commercial promotion, advertisement or solicitations with commercial intent within Ravendawn.
  • 1.3.2 - Advertising the intention to buy, sell or trade items in violation of Sections 4.1 and 4.2.
  • 1.3.3 - Promoting third-party software, websites, or services that contain harmful content.

2 - Staff & Representation

The members of the Staff work to ensure the health of the community, aiming for a fun experience for all players. Because of that, if you are contacted by one of the GMs, CMs or any member of the Staff while you are playing Ravendawn, it is important to follow their instructions and cooperate with their activities. In addition to that, the following activities are not allowed:

  • 2.1 - Interfere with or obstruct the work of GMs, CMs, or Moderators in any way. This includes creating false reports or engaging in any activities that disrupt their ability to carry out their duties effectively.
  • 2.2 - Using insulting, offensive, or humiliating language towards Staff members during the performance of their duties, including ironic, sarcastic, or jocular comments.
  • 2.3 - Creating a character or using any in-game nicknames that could be confused with nicknames created or used by Tavernlight Games’ employees to perform in-game activities such as support, testing or service verification. This includes (but is not restricted to) nicknames beginning with Tavernlight, GM, CM, MOD & Support.
  • 2.4 - Impersonating any friend, relative or employee of Tavernlight Games or Ravendawn’s team representative in order to obtain any kind of advantage.

3 - Guilds

Guilds play a vital role in every MMORPG, fostering player interaction and shared goals within the game world. When creating or joining a Guild in Ravendawn, it's important to prioritize fun and a healthy competitive spirit. As a Guild leader or member, your actions should reflect these values. Because of that, the following activities are not allowed:

  • 3.1 - Creating, being the leader or participating actively in a Guild whose name or emblem is related to or disseminates any type of revolting, offensive or hateful behavior or that promotes any type of discrimination.
  • 3.2 - Creating, being the leader or participating actively in a Guild whose name or emblem can be confused with identifications created or used by Tavernlight Games or its official partners.
  • 3.3 - Creating, being the leader or participating actively in a Guild engaged with anti-competitiveness practices, including (but not limited to) collusion, cheating, exploiting game mechanics or engaging in any form of unfair advantage-seeking.

Actions and restrictions may be imposed on Guild leaders, members, or the Guild itself, depending on the specific situation and misconduct.

4 - General Conduct

In addition to fostering a healthy community, Tavernlight Games aims to provide an enjoyable gameplay experience for all players, ensuring fair competition and equal opportunities within Ravendawn. Because of that, the following activities are not allowed:

  • 4.1 - Trading or purchasing items or Silver coins, either for real money (directly or indirectly) or any other product outside the game, whether it comes from another IP of Tavernlight Games or not.
  • 4.2 - Trading or purchasing accounts, either for real money or any other product, whether it comes from any IP of Tavernlight Games or not.
  • 4.3 - Running any program simultaneously with Ravendawn that interferes with the client or alters the normal functionality of the game, such as programs that automate in-game actions.
  • 4.3.1 - Running multiple instances of the client at the same time as a single user, whether on the same PC or multiple PC's.
  • 4.4 - Playing with a character that got through the use of any irregular program (e.g. BOT, Trainers, Map Editors, Macro tools, etc.).
  • 4.5 - Taking direct advantage of any known bug repeatedly or spreading the existence of the bug with the intention of disrupting the gameplay experience, rather than reporting it to Tavernlight Games.
  • 4.6 - Associating or partying with other players who use irregular programs as described in 4.3 and 4.4 or who are taking advantage of any known bug as described in 4.5, in order to benefit yourself, directly or indirectly.
  • 4.7 - Sharing your account information with others, as you are solely responsible for all actions performed under your account.
  • 4.8 - Using or sharing Tavernlight Games' assets, whether for profitable purposes or not, without express approval.
  • 4.9 - Violating any local, state, national, or international laws and regulations within Ravendawn, whether individually or as part of a group or Guild.

The policies above have the sole purpose to maintain a healthy environment for everyone. We rely on your cooperation to enforce these policies, and we wish you a great experience while playing Ravendawn.

By playing Ravendawn, you are aware and agree with all the policies and terms above.