It's hard to believe we're just over a month post-launch and already rolling out our 5th major update with Patch 1.0.5.
Our commitment to making Ravendawn the best possible experience is unwavering, and we're dedicated to consistently improving the world of Ravendawn for years and hopefully decades to come! Your support and trust fuel our passion, as we continue to implement foundational systems, tweaks, and balances.
We're looking forward to focusing more on consistent content updates and new, engaging systems to enhance your journey through Ravendawn, from leveling up to endgame adventures.

Responding to popular demand, we're introducing a much-anticipated feature in Patch 1.0.5 with Reputation & Profession Tree Resets!
We're mindful of the potential gameplay imbalance with frequent resets, so we have had to require a nominal fee for Reputation & Profession Tree resetting. However, we are giving every player a free reset for both Reputation and Profession Trees, allowing you to refine your choices without any cost.

With this update, the main continent grows significantly with the addition of the Elder Coast & Frost Steppes, unlocking over 1320 new plots of Open World Land! This expansion brings new Tradeposts, creature spawns, and mysteries to explore.
We're also very excited about the upcoming quests and events that will come with the Artifacts of these new areas in an upcoming patch.
Additionally, stay tuned for the Rangers Company Board update for these regions, arriving in a mini-patch next week!

We're thrilled to also announce the introduction of the base Two-Handed Sword Outfit in Patch 1.0.5, with Cosmetic Addons to follow in an upcoming Patch.
Although we're eager to bring more outfit variations as soon as possible, our current focus has been on integrating critical systems and features. Expect to see many more outfit options to best represent your character in the near future!

We are excited to introduce the 822nd Buff to Fishing since Ravendawn’s Launch! Jokes aside, in Patch 1.0.5 we will be further buffing Fishing!
These adjustments are designed with care to balance the impact on the economy, as it is important to keep in mind that fishing generates a direct resource for immediate silver sale, so it needs to be handled delicately.
Fishing Buffs
◈ Fishing Experience on catch increased by 8%.
◈ Base Silver value of all fish increased by an average of 10%.
◈ Health Pool of fish between Fishing Levels 10-40 reduced by 12%.

Server Optimizations
We are implementing several optimizations aimed at reducing lag experienced since the addition of the Community Housing, this is seen at times on different channels but more consistently on Warmode channels during peak hours and when massive wars occur (which is very frequent). Stability improvements will pave the way for increased channel capacity, to help reduce queues during high-traffic times.
Angerhorn vs Serafine
To address a frequently asked question, Angerhorn has a slightly higher concurrent user base (+5%), while Serafine sees a higher daily user count (+2%). We believe this is because the higher competitive nature of Angerhorn contributes to longer player sessions, and an average higher level. However, both servers are incredibly close on user base.
Automatic Tradepack Unlock System (Explained)
As some have been confused by Tradepacks & Tradeposts unlocking in real-time, we'd like to explain how the Automatic Tradepack Unlock System works.
Certain high-level Tradepacks and Tradeposts are initially locked but unlock automatically as the average player level threshold is reached, without any manual intervention from us. This process occurs seamlessly, however often new Tradeposts and Tradepacks are unlocked first on Angerhorn due to its slightly higher average player level.

Added a new Mobile NPC (Rangers Company) to RavenStore.
After consistently being requested, we're adding a Mobile Rangers Company Munk to the RavenStore, allowing for on-the-go access to Rangers Company Tasks, similar to the convenience offered by the Mobile Bank & Vendor Munks.
Applied adjustments to several spawns for them to be more Group Focused.
Understanding the importance of group gameplay, we've introduced a 10% experience bonus for playing in a group in the last patch (1.0.4). However, we also mentioned that spawn viability was also a limiting factor for players wishing to play in a group.
With the addition of the Elder Coast and Frost Steppes, we're excited to introduce new creature spawns designed for more group play, as well as adjustments to several existing spawns by increasing the density and difficulty for a more rewarding group experience. Our aim is to continue enhancing and adding both group and solo content for a diverse and engaging gameplay experience.
Applied adjustments to Community Land and Open World Lands:
We are adjusting the Community Land resource placement cost to better align with Open World Land cost. Open World Land will retain a slight advantage, offering about 5% more tiles and a 5% lower Resource Placement cost. We understand some will say they want no advantage to anyone who has the finite resource of Open World Land, and others will say they want a bigger advantage for those who have Open World Land, and both sides will be vocal and complain at each other. But we have settled on a 5% benefit of Finite Open World land vs Community Instanced Land. We feel this keeps the difference between the two incredibly fair, but also an advanced to owning Finite Land in the world.
Applied adjustments to the following Story Quests and Dynamic Events:
◈ A Cold Burial ー Changed its logic to prevent players from being trapped inside a room.
◈ Foreigner's Plague ー Changed its logic to prevent players from being trapped inside a room.
◈ Everlasting Freedom ー Changed its logic to prevent players to defeat more waves of creatures than originally planned.
◈ Raider of the Wicked Seals ー Updated the reward pool to provide 69,000 Experience, 3,450 silver, 345 Carved Infusion and 150 Reputation (Total).
Added ranged attacks to 145 creatures.
Added translation (Portuguese) to the Main Menu.
Added a 2 second internal cooldown for Butcher's Medallion's proc.
Added tooltips on the RavenStore to better explain the RavenCoins bonus amount.
Added a new respawn (Pirates) under Shackleshold to adjust the creature's level range in Harbor Island.
Added a hover tooltip function for rewards on the Quest Log ー Now, players will be able to properly see the descriptions of the items given by the Quests as rewards.
The Fishing passive responsible for increasing weight is now being applied at the end of the mini-game instead of being applied at the beginning.
Fishing pools won't spawn in places where they could block the passage nearby docks anymore.
Expanded two buildings nearby Darzuac ー One of them being around the Respawn Shrine.
Renamed the button "Feedback" to "Bug Report", under ESC Menu.
Applied adjustments to the Bonus Archetype Legacy Experience:
We are removing the recently added bonus to the Legacy Level that was added when implementing the Legacy Skills. We feel this bonus is unnecessary increase to Legacy Progression speed when leveling alternate archetypes, which is already a very worthwhile "side-quest". This is not to slow down Legacy Progression, on the contrary, we plan to have some small adjustments to this coming in 1.0.6.
To provide more context, this was the change that came with the Patch 1.0.4:
''With the additions of the Legacy Skills, we added a small extra bonus to the experience gained for your Legacy Level only when playing with underleveled Archetypes. This bonus is based on the already existing bonus when killing creatures that has a higher level than the player current Effective Level. Part of this bonus, will now be also added to the gained experience for the Legacy Level.''

The interaction between Warehouses and Tradepacks is now properly working, and Tradepacks are not stuck inside Warehouses anymore ー Players who reported the issue got their Tradepacks sent to the Ravencrest Warehouse.
If you still have issues with the bug mentioned above, please open a ticket on Discord to contact the team.
The Basic Cannon (Ship) is now properly respecting the Global Cooldown.
Dawn Arrow is not being dodged by targets while Illusive is active on them.
The task #20, from the Story Quest ''Welcome to the Bog'', is now spawning the correct creatures.
The Open World Housing costs from Professions are not being wrongly displayed on the Community Housing anymore.
The Dynamic Events ''Sealed Under the Dark'' & ''Sealed Amidst the Fire'' are both properly being activated now.
The Dynamic Event ''Gritty General'' is now providing rewards properly.
Players won't lose the target when Mounting/Dismounting anymore.
The damage reduction formula (when defeating creatures in a much higher level than the players) is now working as intended.
The tasks 13 and 16, from the Story Quest ''A Cold Burial'', are properly working now.
The item Sorcerous Ring is now providing the correct stats.
Upgrading the Housing bonuses won't make the previous tier to be lost anymore.
Fixed scenario items having wrong interactions when using crosshair skills.
Fixed a Woodcutting passive that was providing Dense Log on Open World.
Fixed an issue causing to some areas with Wolves at Zephyr Vale not properly counting for the Rangers Company tasks.
Fixed an issue causing Wagons to improperly block players to walk through it.
Fixed an issue causing to breeded Moas improperly coming with lower tier than its parents.

Balance Patch Coming Early Next Week
A Balance Patch is on the horizon, targeting early next week for its release. We've identified that certain builds, particularly several with a strong focus on AOE, are disproportionately strong and will be adjusted accordingly.
We appreciate your patience as we finalize testing on this balance patch before integrating it into Ravendawn!

''Power-Feeling'' Progression Changes
Consistent feedback & reviews has highlighted a concern that progression through Ravendawn sometimes leaves players feeling less powerful against their current levels challenges, contrary to how many MMORPGs feel.
We will be addressing this by making significant changes to how creatures scale in Patch 1.0.6, ensuring players feel a sense of becoming stronger as they advance through the game.
These adjustments will not affect gear progression speed or invalidate past or current progress.
Medium & Large Community Land
As we have successfully achieved the first step of ensuring a stable Small Land Housing addition to Ravendawn, we are finalizing steps on adding Medium & Large Community Land now!
These Land additions will come with the same upfront costs and rent as their Open World Medium & Large Land counterparts.
For those concerned saying “What about Small Open World Land when you add Medium/Large Community Land?” ー Don’t worry, we already have a plan for that, and we do not recommend you abandon your current land preemptively for 1.0.6. A full breakdown will be shared in the 1.0.6 Patch Notes when we add Medium & Large Community Land.

We hope you enjoy another major patch coming to Ravendawn in under 24 hours. We’re just getting started on this epic journey ahead!