Update 2.0.2 Notes

Wtorek, Wrzesień 24, 2024

Greetings, Adventurers, and welcome to the second significant Update for Horizon’s Call!

We’re not slowing down, and today’s Notes will show just how hard we’ve been working. While the first Expansion brought many exciting new systems and features to Ravendawn, we recognize that some of these still require fine-tuning. Rest assured, we are committed to making these improvements as quickly as possible. At the same time, we know that player progression shouldn’t be put on hold, so alongside a slew of fixes and improvements, we’re also introducing fresh content!

In today’s Update 2.0.2, you can look forward to new Events, Monsters, and Hunting Spots, as well as significant changes to Professions, headlined by the long-awaited Mining Overhaul. Additionally, we’ve implemented notable updates to the Aether Rift, Guild Wars, and Infusion Experience systems.

Moreover, Ranger’s Company items have been revamped to better align with the current state of the game, and Sea Creatures have received updates and loot improvements. This Update also brings vital Quality of Life enhancements, including the ability to queue melee skill in the Action Bar, which will automatically execute when you’re in range, and visual feedback when the crosshair of a skill is out of range.

We’ve also made numerous other changes and fixes, all of which are precisely detailed in the changelog below, so make sure to review them thoroughly.

And we’ve saved the best for last! With today’s Update, we’re thrilled to introduce the highly anticipated Leaderboards!

So let’s dive straight into the details of what Update 2.0.2 has in store!



We would like to announce that the highly anticipated Leaderboards will be accessible through the homepage of our website right after the maintenance of Update 2.0.2 is completed!

With so many competitive players constantly pushing their limits, we’re excited to offer real-time tracking of your progress. Our Leaderboards display the Top 200 players across the following categories:

  • Legacy Level
  • Daily Experience
  • Monthly Experience (avaiable starting next month)
  • Professions Level
  • Highest AP/DP
  • Heaviest Fish Caught
  • Highest Rangers Company Rank
  • Number of Aether Rifts Won
  • Shortest Completion Time of Aether Echoes on Madness

In order for the information to be properly tracked, make sure to log-in to your character for the data to update. Then, visit the Leaderboard and see if your name has made it to the Hall of Fame! 

If you haven’t secured your spot yet, we wish you the best of luck and encourage you to keep striving — you might just be the next to break into the ranks! Head over to the website and see where you stand!



With the latest Update, we are continuing on the path of releasing new Events. This time around a total of three new Events are being added to the Frost Steppes, each related to a different aspect of the region!

Blood Bowl shows a little more of the Yornish way of life, while Primal Stampede puts the untamed wildlife of the Frost Steppes on center stage. Finally, Prison on the Peak gives a taste of the distant past as we gear up to explore more on this topic in the coming Updates…

Alongside new events, we’ve also updated the Undead Harvesting event to improve clarity in regards to successfully completing the event and claiming the rewards that come with that.


New Events:

  • Blood Bowl (Frost Steppes) Level 73
    Each Yornish settlement has their own rights of passage and entertainment. The Yornish of Yorn'omaala enjoy the spectacle of blood sports and any who answer the call of the Herald may challenge the Yornish Champion.
  • Prison on the Peak (Frost Steppes) Level 77
    The Titan Claws are a desolate and dangerous place, filled with long-forgotten magic. However, something has begun to stir on those peaks. Something ancient and hungry....
  • Primal Stampede (Frost Steppes) Level 68
    Mammoth Bulls are known for their territorial nature and occasionally they even band together to remove intruders.


Changes to Undead Harvesting:

  • Event trigger has been changed.
  • Expanded the system message triggered from starting the event to play for everyone in Glaceforde.
  • Added a failsafe if players exit the event area with the quest item Malgar's Device and speak to the quest giver. This will remove the quest item in order to provide the correct normal inventory item.
  • Removed players ability to teleport outside the event area even while the event is inactive.
  • Taking damage now interrupts channeling the interaction with the leghold trap.
  • Task two will now always trigger.
  • Increased the number of Frostrisen required to be fished or harvested on task two to 12.
  • Increased the number of Frostrisen required to be fished or harvested on task three to 16.
  • Adjusted the chances for different Frostrisen skeletons to be spawned during task one, two and three.
  • Increased the drop rates of Frostrisen Shards from all creatures.
  • Reduced contribution points received from harvesting Frostrisen to 400.
  • Added a fourth task with a chance to trigger.

The overall changes are intended to add clarity to the event, improve the rate of successful completion and allow for the event to trigger more frequently, but less predictably.

Gotta catch 'em all!



One of our big focal points at this time is the expansion of creature families with new, stronger members that provide more experience and a greater challenge to high level players! In this Update we are adding new creatures to the Skorn and Winterborn. More information on new spawns can be found below.


Skorn Family:

  • Skorn FanaticMasked from head to toe, these crazed lunatics are said to have carved demonic symbols into their flesh to be closer to their otherworldly masters. Each one is pledged to serve a demon from Pandemonium, imbuing them with greater power than other, less devoted cultists.
  • Skorn DreadknightAmong the ranks of Skorn's followers, few inspire fear quite like the Dreadknights. Few in number and rarely seen outside their foul temples, whenever these champions of Pandemonium do venture out, they spread fear and desolation to everything they touch. Lorekeepers believe that a Dreadknight’s mortal soul is stitched to that of a demon by Demonologists and two become one.
  • Skorn DemonologistFew individuals are as terrifying as Skorn Demonologists. Having spent many decades learning from Skorn's writings, they are capable of commanding and summoning not only demons, but other monsters to aid them in battle. A fanatical servant of demons is a threat, but a mortal capable of taming demons is to be feared absolutely.


Winterborn Family:

  • Winterborn IcebreakerIt wasn't well understood how the Winterborn managed to carve out their settlements on the frozen continent, until the Icebreakers were witnessed creating tunnels and shaping the ice itself to serve their people's needs. While they primarily act as builders, long hours spent breaking apart ice and frozen earth have made them incredibly strong and resilient warriors not to be underestimated.
  • Winterborn Iceguard Among the Winterborn, all must earn their place by proving their value to the community, and the Iceguard are only chosen from the best of the best to serve as protectors and bodyguards of renowned leaders. Each Iceguard's armor is specially created and enchanted with the ice magic of the Frostmancers to only obey them, with no two ever being exactly the same.
  • Winterborn FrostmancerMasters of ice and frost, the elder mages of the Winterborn are as respected as they are feared by their people. Many whisper that to reach this level of mastery requires them to give up a part of their soul to the harshness of Glaceforde and freeze their hearts so that they may never feel the love or warmth of another. The truth is perhaps somewhere in between, as surely such power does not come without a price to pay...


Creature Edits:

  • Winterborn Guardian — Adjusted creature all skill values to better follow other creature designs.
  • Winterborn Hunter — Adjusted the AP/DP ratio to favor offensive power over defense and adjusted Coldblast skill to better follow other creature designs.
  • Winterborn Shaman — Adjusted the AP/DP ratio to favor offensive power over defense. Removed Frost Tip Arrow as a skill and added Winterborn Spirit Rangers as a new skill.
  • Brotherhood Ranger — Changed the asset's color tone.


The addition of new high level creatures is just a start of the process as other families are already planned to receive more attention in the near future!



As mentioned above in the New Creatures section, we are introducing 4 new creature spawns and improved 2 existing spawns to allow for better rotation and a more fulfilling experience while hunting in those locations.

The purpose of these new spawns is to increase the variety of hunting grounds for our high level players and to bring new life into existing spawns that previously drew little attention. With the additions and changes listed below, we hope that everyone will find something that appeals to them!


New High Level Spawns:

  • Winterborn spawn under Matchwood Camp Level 81-84

While the Winterborn settlement occupies a wide area on the surface, the strongest of the Winterborn are found below, including the ferocious Winterborn Icebreakers and Iceguards along with the powerful Frostmancers.

  • Skorn spawn under Fiend's Eye Level 83-85

A new detachment of Skorn cultists has been sighted heading deep underground to perform their profane rituals and cavort with demons. There are even rumors of Dreadknights and Demonologists amidst their ranks. Any who would attempt an assault on these traitors to mankind are sure to encounter Skorn Fanatics - madmen willing to give up their lives for their despicable masters.

  • Shark spawn under Sharpa Keys Level 77-80

Ever greedy for more stolen goods, the sharks near Tarmire have dug out new tunnels to stash their ill gotten gains. Veterans willing to delve deep and root out these vile brigands are encouraged to reduce the pressure on all merchant ships passing through Sharpa Keys.

  • Troll spawn under Tarnag Mountain Level 75-78

Whispers abound in Riverend that a new clan of trolls has settled in the caverns deep below Tarnag Mountain. Far stronger and more dangerous than their surface kin, all but the most experienced of adventurers are advised to stay away.

Current Spawns:

  • Revamped the Demon spawn below the Riftsand Level 75-79
    The area shape was changed and a new extension has been added for better rotation and maneuverability.

Demons are fickle creatures and love to indulge in chaos. Tired of their cramped home, they have taken to destroying cave walls and opening new tunnels in an effort to shake things up!

  • Revamped the Warhogs spawn in the Tuskan Highlands — Level 79-82

Brutal fights over food and space are common among the Warhogs and the stronger they are, the more they battle one another for supremacy. It appears that recent turmoil has not only reshaped their society, but their home too. New passages and connections have appeared.



When Aether Rifts were first released, there were many unknowns outstanding in how the community at large would respond to the system and a lot of excitement on our end to see it evolve over time. Now that we have some distance from Horizon's Call and the meta has progressed and evolved, we'd like to introduce several much needed changes to improve the experience of Rifts and make them a more intense and rewarding event.

These are as follows:

  • Reduced total length of Aether Rifts from 20 to 10 minutes.
  • Changed the outcome of 1 member of a duo team winning the rift while their teammate is down. Now, when your teammate is defeated, but you still win the duo rift, you will have the option to continue in solo rifts, assuming you can still delve deeper.
  • Added a new condition for the Aether Corruption's spawning. If you have defeated the opposing team, the boss will be awakened early and spawn in the central chamber. Additionally, when the boss is spawned in this manner, Aetherial Madness debuff will not activate.
  • Adjusted how Aetherial Madness debuff works. If the debuff is active while PvP is ongoing, it will be cleansed immediately from the victorious party to avoid scenarios where players would die to it after winning the PvP encounter.
  • Adjusted how the Broken Sanity debuff works. If the debuff is active while 2 teams are engaged in PvP and the Boss has not been defeated nor the chest spawned, then Broken Sanity will be cleansed from whichever team emerges victorious, and a further 2:30 minutes timer would be added to defeat the boss or claim the chest.
  • Added a new spawn and death animation to the Aether Corruption boss.
  • Aether Corruption now correctly targets anyone inside the boss room.
  • Adjusted solo and duo tooltips with updated information.
  • Removed Effort generation from Aether Rifts.

With the above changes, we expect to see a more streamlined version of Aether Rifts where refining your tactics and developing strategies under new time constraints will be rewarded most!



We're making important changes to how Crafting and Infusion Experience on items function in the game. These adjustments are aimed at introducing a minimum liquid value to items with undesirable stats and encouraging players to craft higher-tier items. Changes to material obtainment frequency will be coming in the near future.

We've rebalanced the Infusion experience curve to reduce the effectiveness of strategies focused on pig/sheep farming to mass-produce low-tier armor for nfusion materials. While we understand the origin of this strategy, the upcoming increase in infusion availability and the significant XP buff from Tier 3 and above should offset this nerf. Additionally, the recent influx of Tier 3 materials into the market will further support this shift.

We believe these changes will positively impact the economy, creating value for poorly rolled items while also sparing your mouse from excessive wear and tear.

As per our announcement on September 20th, equipment offers on the market have been reset with this Update to ensure an even playing field when it comes to the Infusions market.

Find below all the adjustments that were applied to Infusion Experience value provided by Equipment:

EXP Changes to Infusion:

  • Tier 1 Items
    • One-Handed Weapons and Shields ー Reduced from 75 to 35.
    • Two-Handed Weapons ー Reduced from 150 to 70.
    • Armors ー Reduced from 75 to 35.
  • Tier 2 Items
    • One-Handed Weapons and Shields ー Reduced from 150 to 100.
    • Two-Handed Weapons ー Reduced from 300 to 200.
    • Armors ー Reduced from 150 to 100.
  • Tier 3 Items
    • One-Handed Weapons and Shields ー Increased from 375 to 725.
    • Two-Handed Weapons ー Increased from 750 to 1,450.
    • Armors ー Increased from 375 to 725.
  • Tier 4 Items
    • One-Handed Weapons and Shields ー Increased from 750 to 2,325.
    • Two-Handed Weapons ー Increased from 1,500 to 4,650.
    • Armors ー Increased from 750 to 2,325.
  • Tier 5 Items
    • One-Handed Weapons and Shields ー Increased from 1,500 to 11,400.
    • Two-Handed Weapons ー Increased from 3,000 to 22,800.
    • Armors ー Increased from 1,500 to 11,400.
  • Tier 6 Items
    • One-Handed Weapons and Shields ー Increased from 3,500 to 20,000.
    • Two-Handed Weapons ー Increased from 7,000 to 40,000.
    • Armors ー Increased from 3,500 to 20,000.
  • Tier 7 Items
    • One-Handed Weapons and Shields ー Increased from 5,000 to 35,000.
    • Two-Handed Weapons ー Increased from 10,000 to 70,000.
    • Armors ー Increased from 5,000 to 35,000.



With this latest update, we wanted to bring forth a few, but necessary improvements to greatly reduce the pressures on our passionate fishermen that came about with the overhaul of the Ocean itself. With the changes below, we are providing a tool to avoid dangerous sea creatures and provide greater rewards on the Plunder Channel as well as catching Legendary Fish.

  • Added a new default skill, Pacific Fisher, for all types of fishing ships:
    Pacific Fisher ー Creatures won't attack you after a fish is hooked unless they were already attacking beforehand.
    This addition is expected to greatly enhance the comfort of fishing.
  • Significantly increased material yield from slicing Legendary Fishes by five times compared to regular fishes.
  • Increased the value of fish caught and sold on Plunder Channel in both silver and materials by 25%.

There will be more improvements to Fishing coming in the next Updates so look forward to the changes ahead!



Mining has long been an area of Ravendawn that we wished to tackle and improve. With the release of Horizon’s Call, we finally have been able to bring substantial changes and additions to address many of the concerns and issues that have been flagged by our dedicated miners.

From increasing the general Experience rewarded from Mining and expanding mines to introducing mechanics that alleviate pressure on lower level miners, while adequately rewarding those who have invested a lot of time into reaching  higher levels, we expect that the following changes below will greatly improve the overall experience of miners, both new and old!


Mining Profession Overhaul:

  • Overhauled the revealed ore mechanic (after the first layer of stone) — it will no longer be based on the Mining Level, but on the surrounding creatures level instead. This will reduce the pressure on lower level miners in having to compete with higher levels and increase the potential for receiving end game ores from level appropriate locations.
    This means that if you're looking for Titanium, you better head into higher level mines to get your haul!
  • Introduced Plentiful Nodes — These nodes appear randomly, but are seen more often in higher mines with higher level creatures. Plentiful Nodes appear in three Tiers, providing 50%, 100% and 300% as much as times the normal experience and resources from Mining respectively.
  • Changed ore obtainment — The maximum number of ores received from successfully mining nodes increases as you level your Mining profession.
    The more experienced the miner, the more they can get out of their work!
  • Changed how ores appear and reset — Whenever the stone layer is cleared and the revealed ore is not depleted, the node will reset to its starting condition after a set amount of time.
    The new dynamic should result in players encountering more usable mining nodes!
  • Removed instant respawn from mining nodes — This means that after mining the stone and ore layers the node will no longer have a chance to instantly refresh.
  • Slightly changed the position of some of the creatures around the world, and added some creatures in order to protect the mining nodes around Ravendawn. 
    Creatures want to protect their spoils too... 


Increased EXP from Mining profession:

  • Stone Layer — From 120 to 250.
  • Copper Node — From 240 to 425.
  • Iron Node — From 320 to 650.
  • Cobalt Node — From 450 to 900.
  • Titanium Node — From 750 to 1,250.


Added new mining nodes for the following regions:

  • GlacefordeIceforge Dwarf (level 80) cave.
  • GlacefordeFrostbound Drake (level 75) cave.
  • The BlotchSporewalker (level 75) cave.
  • Elder CoastPoisonpetal (level 65) cave.
  • Crowhollow BogCrowmaidens (level 59) cave.
  • Fields of DespairSkorn (level 53) cave.
  • Pirate IslesHidden Isle (level 41).
  • Rohna WoodsDwarves (level 36) cave.
  • Harbor IslePearlshell Tortoise (level 30) cave.
  • Glademire Brown Bear (level 19) caves.

The change aims to improve the rotation and accessibility for miners in the following regions.
A recent wave of earthquakes throughout Ravendawn have revealed new mining nodes. 



Despite being essential in making progress for many players, Blacksmithing has unfortunately been underwhelming in many aspects compared to other crafting professions and with our overhaul of Mining, it is only fitting that we show some love to those who shape metal into masterpieces. 

In this Update, general Experience gained has been increased across the board, while many recipes have had their material requirements adjusted to better reflect their value and availability of resources in-game.

Increased EXP for the following materials:

  • Copper Ingot ー From 200 to 480.
  • Iron Ingot ー From 270 to 800.
  • Steel Ingot ー From 350 to 1,150.
  • Cobalt Ingot ー From 500 to 1,650.
  • Titanium Ingot ー From 790 to 2,600.
  • Coarse Whetstone ー From 480 to 550.
  • Heavy Whetstone ー From 800 to 960.
  • Solid Whetstone ー From 1,200 to 1,450.
  • Dense Whetstone ー From 2,080 to 2,400.
  • Copper Fishing Hook ー From 800 to 2,000.
  • Complex Fishing Hook ー From 1,680 to 4,800.
  • Steel Fishing Hook ー From 4,800 to 11,500.
  • Cobalt Fishing Hook ー From 11,500 to 21,450.
  • Titanium Fishing Hook ー From 38,400 to 39,000.
  • Forging Tools ー From 54,400 to 111,000.
  • Superior Forging Tools ー From 80,000 to 210,000.
  • Artisan Forging Tools ー From 116,000 to 300,000.
  • Woodwork Tools ー From 30,400 to 100,000.
  • Improved Woodwork Tools ー From 72,000 to 240,000.
  • Anvil ー From 28,000 to 92,100.
  • Forgemaster Anvil ー From 66,000 to 215,000.
  • Furnace ー From 10,000 to 27,500.
  • Forge ー From 28,800 to 88,500.
  • Stove ー From 24,000 to 70,000.
  • Reinforced Plate ー From 6,000 to 9,000.
  • Superior Stove ー From 117,000 to 260,500.
  • Artisan Stove ー From 163,000 to 410,000.
  • Minor Shielding Kit ー From 63,000 to 185,000.
  • Sturdy Shielding Kit ー From 225,000 to 725,000.
  • Reinforced Shielding Kit ー From 375,000 to 1,200,000.
  • Small Cannon Kit ー From 34,800 to 55,500.
  • Simple Ship Emblems Kit ー From 40,000 to 101,500.
  • Compound Ship Emblems Kit ー From 88,800 to 250,500.
  • Complex Ship Emblems Kit ー From 175,000 to 532,500.
  • Basic Water Pumps Kit ー From 40,000 to 100,000.
  • Enhanced Water Pumps Kit ー From 85,000 to 250,000.
  • Pressurized Water Pumps Kit ー From 175,000 to 545,000.
  • Nail ー From 64 to 160.
  • Iron Bar ー From 240 to 800.
  • Bolt ー From 110 to 390.
  • Steel Bar ー From 215 to 750.
  • Common Plate ー From 2,400 to 3,600.
  • Dense Block ー From 880 to 920.
  • Malleable Anvil ー From 8,500 to 25,400.
  • Basic Tools ー From 4,300 to 7,150.
  • Simple Headgear ー From 4,400 to 7,250.
  • Composed Headgear ー From 7,520 to 13,000.
  • Advanced Headgear ー From 13,200 to 23,000.
  • Artisan Headgear ー From 40,000 to 60,200.
  • Superior Headgear ー From 52,000 to 82,000.
  • Medium Cannon Kit ー From 75,000 to 190,000.
  • Large Cannon Kit ー From 165,000 to 495,000.
  • Weak Racks ー From 2,550 to 4,900.
  • Armory Racks ー From 7,650 to 13,500.
  • Reinforced Racks ー From 18,650 to 37,533.
  • Gear Maintenance Tools ー From 35,600 to 70,000.
  • Thief Tools ー From 91,200 to 220,000.
  • Warmonger Tools ー From 91,200 to 220,000.
  • Bronze Ingot ー From 220 to 660.
  • Malleable Screw ー From 80 to 220.
  • Arcane Reflector ー From 350 to 1,100.
  • Basic Distilary Station ー From 6,000 to 8,800.
  • Condensing Station ー From 28,750 to 48,750.
  • Distilary Station ー From 92,500 to 121,250.
  • Metallic Reinforcement ー From 15,127 to 20,000.
  • Metallic Barrier ー From 35,353 to 47,000.
  • Metallic Fortification ー From 91,700 to 1,300,000.
  • Pathfinder's Gear ー From 10,800 to 17,450.
  • Pioneer's Gear ー From 31,275 to 48,375.
  • Conqueror's Gear ー From 52,850 to 125,000.

Reduced EXP for the following items:

  • War Headgear ー From 172,000 to 150,000.
  • Explorer Headgear ー From 172,000 to 150,000.
  • Professional Headgear ー From 172,000 to 150,000.

Changed material requirements for the following items:

  • Forging Tools ー Reduced Steel Ingot from 80 to 60 and Bronze Ingot  from 55 to 40.
  • Glimmery Ingot ー Reduced Titanium Ingot from 10 to 3 and Cobalt Ingot  from 6 to 2.
  • T2 Plate Armor ー Reduced Bronze Ingot from 3 to 2.
  • T2 Plate Helmet ー Reduced Bronze Ingot from 3 to 2.
  • T2 Plate Legs ー Reduced Bronze Ingot from 3 to 2.
  • T2 Plate Boots ー Reduced Bronze Ingot from 3 to 2.
  • T2 Sword ー Reduced Bronze Ingot from 4 to 2 and Coarse Leather from 2 to 1.
  • T2 Light Blade ー Reduced Bronze Ingot from 6 to 4 and Coarse Leather from 6 to 2.
  • T2 Axe ー Reduced Bronze Ingot from 3 to 2 and changed 3 Coarse Leather to 1 Refined Plank.
  • T2 Club ー Reduced Bronze Ingot from 3 to 2 and changed 3 Coarse Leather to 1 Refined Plank.
  • T2 Dagger ー Reduced Bronze Ingot from 4 to 2 and Coarse Leather from 2 to 1.
  • T2 Two-Handed Axe ー Reduced Bronze Ingot from 8 to 4 and changed 4 Coarse Leather to 2 Refined Plank.
  • T2 Two-Handed Sword ー Reduced Bronze Ingot from 6 to 4 and Coarse Leather from 6 to 2.
  • T2 Two-Handed Hammer ー Reduced Bronze Ingot  from 8 to 4 and changed 4 Coarse Leather to 2 Refined Plank.
  • T3 Plate ArmorReduced Iron Ingot from 8 to 4 and Craftman's Leather from 3 to 2.
  • T3 Plate Helmet ー Reduced Iron Ingot from 8 to 4 and Craftman's Leather from 3 to 2.
  • T3 Plate Legs ー Reduced Iron Ingot from 8 to 4 and Craftman's Leather from 3 to 2.
  • T3 Plate Boots ー Reduced Iron Ingot from 8 to 4 and Craftman's Leather from 3 to 2.
  • T3 Sword ー Increased Iron Ingot from 4 to 5 and reduced Craftman's Leather  from 5 to 3.
  • T3 Light Blade ー Increased Iron Ingot from 8 to 10 and reduced Craftman's Leather  from 10 to 5.
  • T3 Axe ー Reduced Iron Ingot from 8 to 5 and changed 4 Craftman's Leather to 4 Refined Plank.
  • T3 Club ー Reduced Iron Ingot from 8 to 5 and changed 4 Craftman's Leather to 4 Refined Plank.
  • T3 Dagger ー Increased Iron Ingot from 4 to 5 and reduced Craftman's Leather  from 5 to 3.
  • T3 Two-Handed Axe ー Reduced Iron Ingot from 16 to 10 and changed 8 Craftman's Leather to 8 Refined Plank.
  • T3 Two-Handed Sword ー Increased Iron Ingot from 8 to 10 and reduced Craftman's Leather  from 10 to 6.
  • T3 Two-Handed Hammer ー Reduced Iron Ingot from 16 to 10 and changed 8 Craftman's Leather to 8 Refined Plank.
  • T4 Plate Armor ー Reduced Steel Ingot from 16 to 6.
  • T4 Plate Helmet ー Reduced Steel Ingot from 16 to 6.
  • T4 Plate Legs ー Reduced Steel Ingot from 16 to 6.
  • T4 Plate Boots ー Reduced Steel Ingot from 16 to 6.
  • T4 Sword ー Increased Steel Ingot from 7 to 10 and reduced Tanned Leather  from 10 to 5.
  • T4 Light Blade ー Increased Steel Ingot from 10 to 20 and reduced Tanned Leather  from 20 to 10.
  • T4 Axe ー Reduced Steel Ingot from 16 to 10 and changed 8 Tanned Leather to 7 Treated Plank.
  • T4 Club ー Reduced Steel Ingot from 16 to 10 and changed 8 Tanned Leather to 7 Treated Plank.
  • T4 Dagger ー Increased Steel Ingot from 7 to 10 and reduced Tanned Leather  from 10 to 5.
  • T4 Two-Handed Axe ー Reduced Steel Ingot from 25 to 20 and changed 17 Tanned Leather to 14 Treated Plank.
  • T4 Two-Handed Sword ー Increased Steel Ingot from 12 to 20 and reduced Tanned Leather  from 20 to 10.
  • T4 Two-Handed Hammer ー Reduced Steel Ingot from 25 to 20 and changed 17 Tanned Leather to 14 Treated Plank.
  • T5 Plate Armor ー Reduced Cobalt Ingot from 24 to 9 and Merchant's Leather from 5 to 4.
  • T5 Plate Helmet ー Reduced Cobalt Ingot from 24 to 9 and Merchant's Leather from 5 to 4.
  • T5 Plate Legs ー Reduced Cobalt Ingot from 24 to 9 and Merchant's Leather from 5 to 4.
  • T5 Plate Boots ー Reduced Cobalt Ingot from 24 to 9 and Merchant's Leather from 5 to 4.
  • T5 Sword ー Increased Cobalt Ingot from 8 to 14 and reduced Merchant's Leather  from 15 to 7.
  • T5 Light Blade ー Increased Cobalt Ingot from 16 to 28 and reduced Merchant's Leather  from 30 to 14.
  • T5 Axe ー Reduced Cobalt Ingot from 28 to 14 and changed 11 Merchant's Leather to 11 Sturdy Plank.
  • T5 Club ー Reduced Cobalt Ingot from 28 to 14 and changed 11 Merchant's Leather to 11 Sturdy Plank.
  • T5 Dagger ー Increased Cobalt Ingot from 8 to 14 and reduced Merchant's Leather  from 15 to 7.
  • T5 Two-Handed Axe ー Reduced Cobalt Ingot from 56 to 28 and changed 22 Merchant's Leather to 22 Sturdy Plank.
  • T5 Two-Handed Sword ー Increased Cobalt Ingot from 16 to 28 and reduced Merchant's Leather  from 30 to 14.
  • T5 Two-Handed Hammer ー Reduced Cobalt Ingot from 56 to 28 and changed 22 Merchant's Leather to 22 Sturdy Plank.
  • T6 Plate Armor ー Reduced Titanium Ingot from 19 to 10 and Artisan Leather from 6 to 3.
  • T6 Plate Helmet ー Reduced Titanium Ingot from 19 to 10 and Artisan Leather from 6 to 3.
  • T6 Plate Legs ー Reduced Titanium Ingot from 19 to 10 and Artisan Leather from 6 to 3.
  • T6 Plate Boots ー Reduced Titanium Ingot from 19 to 10 and Artisan Leather from 6 to 3.
  • T6 Sword ー Increased Titanium Ingot from 9 to 15 and reduced Artisan Leather  from 18 to 7.
  • T6 Light Blade ー Increased Titanium Ingot from 18 to 30 and reduced Artisan Leather  from 36 to 14.
  • T6 Axe ー Reduced Titanium Ingot from 25 to 15 and changed 14 Artisan Leather to 10 Fine Plank.
  • T6 Club ー Reduced Titanium Ingot from 25 to 15 and changed 14 Artisan Leather to 10 Fine Plank.
  • T6 Dagger ー Increased Titanium Ingot from 9 to 15 and reduced Artisan Leather  from 18 to 7.
  • T6 Two-Handed Axe ー Reduced Titanium Ingot from 50 to 30 and changed 28 Artisan Leather to 20 Fine Plank.
  • T6 Two-Handed Sword ー Increased Titanium Ingot from 18 to 30 and reduced Artisan Leather  from 36 to 14.
  • T6 Two-Handed Hammer ー Reduced Titanium Ingot from 50 to 30 and changed 28 Artisan Leather to 20 Fine Plank.
  • Steel Fishing Hook ー Reduced Steel Ingot from 14 to 10.
  • Cobalt Fishing Hook ー Reduced Cobalt Ingot from 22 to 13.
  • Titanium Fishing Hook ー Reduced Titanium Ingot from 48 to 15.



Due to the substantial changes to Mining and Blacksmithing, there are some adjustments coming to Weaving as well to account for those changes:

Increased EXP for the following items:

  • Simple Saddle ー From 6,400 to 8,000.
  • Composed Saddle ー From 8,800 to 13,000.
  • Advanced Saddle ー From 26,400 to 32,000.
  • Artisan Saddle ー From 51,200 to 60,000.
  • Superior Saddle ー From 57,600 to 77,500.
  • War Saddle ー From 194,400 to 220,000.
  • Explorer Saddle ー From 194,400 to 220,000.
  • Professional Saddle ー From 194,400 to 220,000.

Changed material requirements for the following items:

  • Artisan Saddle ー Reduced Steel Ingot from 17 to 12.
  • Superior Saddle ー Increased Cobalt ingot from 10 to 15.



Much like Weaving, in Carpentry we are also adding many changes to account for the Mining Overhaul and Blacksmithing additions found above. Experience and material requirements have been changed: 

Increased EXP for the following items:

  • Armoires — From 15,400 to 17,000.
  • Square Table — From 27,500 to 28,500.
  • Sturdy Square Table — From 38,000 to 40,000.
  • Cabinet — From 3,600 to 4,250.
  • Comfortable Bed — From 64,500 to 66,000.
  • Storage Container — From 7,360 to 8,000.
  • Luxury Bed — From 130,000 to 133,000.
  • Small Cargo Hold — From 15,150 to 18,000.
  • Small Gun Deck — From 15,150 to 18,000.
  • Small Fishing Storage — From 15,150 to 18,000.
  • Small Tradepack Container Kit — From 61,000 to 70,000.
  • Small Ammunition Cabin Kit — From 61,000 to 70,000.
  • Small Fishing Crane Kit — From 61,000 to 70,000.
  • Medium Hull Frame — From 185,000 to 195,000.
  • Medium Cargo Hold — From 88,000 to 100,000.
  • Medium Fishing Storage — From 88,000 to 100,000.
  • Medium Gun Deck — From 88,000 to 100,000.
  • Large Hull Frame — From 500,000 to 600,000.
  • Large Cargo Hold — From 250,000 to 300,000.
  • Large Gun Deck — From 250,000 to 300,000.
  • Large Fishing Storage — From 250,000 to 300,000.
  • Mast — From 11,150 to 15,000.
  • Sturdy Wheel — From 8,800 to 9,500.
  • Small Wagon Container — From 11,200 to 12,000.
  • Medium Wagon Container — From 57,600 to 75,000.
  • Large Wagon Container — From 146,400 to 195,000.
  • Common Wagon Container — From 29,200 to 33,000.
  • Small Maintenance Unit Kit — From 61,000 to 70,000.
  • Protective Charm — From 8,000 to 3,300.
  • Warding Charm — From 23,000 to 10,000.
  • Spellbound Charm — From 34,000 to 16,000.
  • Basic Stabilizer — From 8,000 to 3,500.
  • Energy Stabilizer — From 23,000 to 10,000.
  • Arcane Stabilizer — From 34,000 to 16,000.
  • Wall Reinforcement — From 7,360 to 4,000.
  • Wall Fortification — From 41,000 to 16,000.
  • Herb Mixing Table — From 18,750 to 19,500.
  • Preparation Table — From 59,750 to 64,000.
  • Alchemist's Table — From 135,600 to 154,000.
  • Supply Locker — From 7,350 to 10,000.
  • Reinforced Locker — From 41,350 to 48,000.
  • Mystic Reinforcement — From 15,125 to 22,500.
  • Mystic Barrier — From 35,750 to 52,000.
  • Mystic Fortification — From 77,200 to 96,000.
  • Magical Accoutrements — From 10,800 to 15,000.
  • Spellcaster's Accoutrements — From 31,275 to 43,500.
  • Arcane Accoutrements — From 52,850 to 85,000.


Changed material requirements for the following items:

  • Superior Work Bench ー Reduced Treated Plank from 30 to 25, Steel Ingot from 15 to 8, and Cobalt Ingot from 10 to 5.
  • Medium Tradepack Container Kit ー Reduced Sturdy Plank from 70 to 60 and Cobalt Ingot from 20 to 5.
  • Medium Ammunition Cabin Kit ー Reduced Sturdy Plank from 70 to 60 and Cobalt Ingot from 20 to 5.
  • Medium Fishing Crane Kit ー Reduced Sturdy Plank from 70 to 60 and Cobalt Ingot from 20 to 5.
  • Medium Maintenance Unit Kit ー Reduced Sturdy Plank from 70 to 60 and Cobalt Ingot from 20 to 5.
  • Work Bench ー Reduced Iron Ingot from 20 to 8 and Bronze Ingot from 12 to 5.
  • Artisan Work Bench ー Reduced Cobalt Ingot from 50 to 15 and Titanium Ingot from 25 to 7.
  • Small Hull Frame ー Reduced Nail from 40 to 20 and Bronze Ingot from 10 to 5.
  • Medium Hull Frame ー Reduced Malleable Screw from 60 to 40 and Iron Bar from 25 to 15.
  • Sturdy Container ー Reduced Common Plate from 6 to 4.
  • T2 Tower Shield ー Reduced Copper Ingot from 3 to 1.
  • T3 Tower Shield ー Reduced Iron Ingot from 8 to 3.
  • T4 Tower Shield ー Reduced Steel Ingot from 10 to 3.
  • T5 Tower Shield ー Reduced Cobalt Ingot from 18 to 5.
  • T6 Tower Shield ー Reduced Titanium Ingot from 14 to 5.



Many items in the Rangers Company shop have had their cooldowns reduced and effects adjusted to better reflect the current state of the game. The overall direction has been to enable players the use of their favorite items more frequently and to an overall greater effect. 

Whether it’s tossing your javelin from the Javelin Quiver more frequently or really feeling the movement speed boost from Stepping Fuel, we hope everyone will find something of value in the changes below.


Changed the following Ranger’s Company Items:

  • Javelin Quiver: Active ー Reduced cooldown from 5 minutes to 12 seconds and increased Bounty Marks price from 20 to 25.
    Skill description: Instantly deals 30 to 70 damage to a target in a medium range. 15% chance to cause Bleeding for 7 damage every second for 5 seconds. 12 second cooldown.
  • Exotic Incense: Active ー Increased duration from 3 to 12 seconds and Bounty Marks price from 20 to 25.
    Skill description: Instantly heals yourself by 500 and gain 15 Attack Power for 12 seconds. 5 minute cooldown.
  • Bag of Caltrops: Active ー Increased slowing effect from 30% to 50%, reduced cooldown from 5 minutes to 2 minutes, and increased Bounty Marks price from 50 to 55.
    Skill description: Instantly leaves caltrops behind you lasting for 10 seconds, dealing 15-35 damage and slowing enemies that step on them by 50% for 3 seconds. 2 minute cooldown.
  • Mysticap Fetish: Active ー Increased Defense Power from 20 to 30, reduced cooldown from 5 minutes to 3 minutes, and increased Bounty Marks price from 50 to 55.
    Skill description: Instantly restores 400 Mana and increases Spell Defense by 30 for 5 seconds. 3 minute cooldown.
  • Assault Tonic ー Reduced Attack Power from 18 to 10, Movement Speed on foot from 10% to 5%, and Bounty Marks price from 30 to 25.
    Skill description: Increases Attack Power by 10 and Movement Speed on foot by 5%. Decreases Defense Power by 15 for 5 minutes.
  • Oversea Tonic ー Reduced Defense Power from 18 to 10, Movement Speed on foot from 10% to 5%, and Bounty Marks price from 30 to 25.
    Skill description: Increases Defense Power by 10 and Movement Speed on foot by 5%. Decreases Attack Power by 15 for 5 minutes.
  • Sigil of the Sun ー Added daytime Attack Power against Vampire family and increased Bounty Marks price from 200 to 220.
    Skill description: Increases Attack Power by 8. During the day, also increases Defense Power by 8 and increases Attack Power against the Vampire family by 15.
  • Opportunist's Necklace ー Increased Precision from 8 to 16 and Bounty Marks price from 200 to 220.
    Skill description: Increases Attack Power by 6 and Precision by 16.
  • Aegis Rune: Active ー Reduced shield duration from 30 to 20 seconds, cooldown from 5 minutes to 2 minutes, and increased Attack Power from 15 to 20.
    Skill description: Instantly gain a shield that absorbs 600 damage, lasting for 20 seconds. Increases Attack Power by 20 while the shield is active. 2 minute cooldown.
  • Combat Panacea: Active ー Reduced Attack Power from 30 to 20 and Bounty Marks price from 50 to 45.
    Skill description: Instantly removes 1 random harmful effect afflicting the user and increases Attack Power by 20 for 2 minutes. 5 minute cooldown.
  • Wild Pheromones: Active ー Reduced Defense Power from 30 to 25, duration from 5 minutes to 3 minutes, and Bounty Marks price from 50 to 45.
    Skill description: Instantly forces creatures in a medium area to attack you for 6 seconds. Increases Defense Power by 25 for 3 minutes. 5 minute cooldown.
  • Emergency Blockage: Active ー Increased barricade duration from 5 to 7 seconds and Movement Speed from 20% to 25%. Reduced Movement Speed duration from 10 to 7 seconds and cooldown from 5 minutes to 3 minutes.
    Skill description: Instantly leaves wooden barricades behind you lasting for 7 seconds and increases your Movement Speed by 25% for 7 seconds. 3 minute cooldown.
  • Stepping Fuel: Active ー Increased Movement Speed from 15% to 50% and reduced duration from 5 to 3 seconds.
    Skill description: Instantly increases your Movement Speed by 50% and leaves behind a trail of fire for 3 seconds, dealing 150 to 270 damage per second to enemies that step on it. 3 minute cooldown.
  • Hidden Blade: Active ー Increased Haste from 40 to 120, added 10% Movement Speed bonus, and increased Bounty Marks price from 300 to 330.
    Skill description: Increases Haste by 120 and Movement Speed by 10% for 6 seconds. 3 minute cooldown.
  • Vigorous Draught ー Reduced Maximum Health from 600 to 500, Health Regeneration from 60 to 30, and Bounty Marks price from 100 to 80.
    Skill description: Increases Maximum Health by 500 and Health Regeneration by 30 for 5 minutes.
  • Manastorm Draft ー Reduced Maximum Mana from 600 to 500, Mana Regeneration from 60 to 30, and Bounty Marks price from 100 to 80.
    Skill description: Increases Maximum Mana by 500 and Mana Regeneration by 30 for 5 minutes.
  • Savage Compound ー Reduced Precision from 50 to 30 and Bounty Marks price from 100 to 80.
    Skill description: Increases Precision by 30 for 5 minutes.
  • Slayer Elixir ー Reduced Attack Power from 40 to 20 and increased duration from 2 minutes to 4 minutes.
    Skill description: Increases Attack Power by 20 for 4 minutes.
  • Expert Elixir ー Reduced Defense Power from 40 to 20 and increased duration from 2 minutes to 4 minutes.
    Skill description: Increases Defense Power by 20 for 4 minutes.
  • Resilience Mutagen ー Reduced Attack Power from 12 to 6, total Attack Power from 60 to 30, and Bounty Marks price from 125 to 110.
    Skill description: Each harmful effect currently afflicting the user raises his Attack Power by 6 instead, up to a total of 30 Attack Power. 4 minute duration.
  • Heavy Chains ー Added reduction of 15 to Attack Power and reduced Bounty Marks price from 600 to 540.
    Skill description: Increases Defense Power by 30 and Maximum Health by 300. Reduces Attack Power by 15.
  • Sigil of Dawn: Passive ー Increased Health from 1,000 to 1,500, reduced cooldown from 30 minutes to 8 minutes, and increased Bounty Marks price from 425 to 500.
    Skill description: When receiving lethal damage, heals back to 1500 Health instantly. 8 minute cooldown.
  • Sun Tears ー Reduced Mana Regeneration and Health Regeneration from 40 to 20 and Bounty Marks price from 250 to 230.
    Skill description: Increases Maximum Health and Maximum Mana by 400, increases Mana Regeneration and Health Regeneration by 20 for 5 minutes.
  • Drop of Grace ー Reduced Healing Power from 60 to 40 and Bounty Marks price from 220 to 200.
    Skill description: Increases Healing Power by 40 for 5 minutes.
  • Tree of Life Sap ー Reduced Health Regeneration from 120 to 80 and Bounty Marks price from 220 to 200.
    Skill description: Increases Health Regeneration by 80. Reduces Movement Speed by 15% for 5 minutes.
  • Sage's Essence ー Reduced Mana Regeneration from 80 to 40 and increased duration from 3 minutes to 5 minutes. Reduced Bounty Marks price from 220 to 200.
    Skill description: Increases Mana Regeneration by 40 for 5 minutes.
  • Frenzy Potion ー Reduced Attack Power and Haste from 45 to 25 and Defense Power from 50 to 30.
    Skill description: Increases Attack Power and Haste by 25. Reduces Defense Power by 30 for 5 minutes.
  • Potent Pheromones ー Reduced Defense Power from 60 to 25 and Bounty Marks price from 220 to 200.
    Skill description: Instantly forces creatures in a medium area to attack you for 6 seconds. Increases Defense Power by 25 for 5 minutes. 10 minute cooldown.
  • Sumptuous Panacea ー Removed from Rangers Company Shop.
    Skill description: Removes up to 3 harmful effects afflicting the user and restores 1000 Health. 8 minute cooldown.
  • Essence of Bravery ー Reduced Attack Power and Defense Power from 30 to 15 and Bounty Marks price from 400 to 360.
    Skill description: Increases Attack Power and Defense Power by 15 for 10 minutes.
  • Wellspring Blessing ー Reduced Defense Power from 30 to 20 and increased Bounty Marks price from 1,200 to 1,300.
    Skill description: Increases Defense Power by 20 and Mana Regeneration and Health Regeneration by 15.
  • Omega Stone: Active ー Reduced Defense Power from 40 to 20, duration from 1 minute to 15 seconds, cooldown from 15 minutes to 4 minutes, and Bounty Marks price from 5,000 to 4,500.
    Skill description: Increases Attack Power by 40 and Defense Power by 20 for 15 seconds. 4 minute cooldown.



Additionally, we've adjusted the Runes obtained from some vendors around the world.

Increased Impact for the following:

  • Lesser Runes:
    • Fierce Lesser Rune of Crushing ー From 16 to 24.
    • Fierce Lesser Rune of Cleaving ー From 8 to 12.
    • Fierce Lesser Rune of Precision ー From 16 to 24.
    • Fierce Lesser Rune of Aegis ー From 8 to 12.
    • Fierce Lesser Rune of Finesse ー From 16 to 24.
    • Fierce Lesser Rune of Bravery ー From 8 to 12.
    • Fierce Lesser Rune of Glory ー From 8 to 12.
    • Fierce Lesser Rune of Execution ー From 16 to 24.
    • Fierce Lesser Rune of Courage ー From 16 to 24.
    • Fierce Lesser Rune of Blunting ー From 8 to 12.
    • Fierce Lesser Rune of Evocation ー From 16 to 24.
    • Fierce Lesser Rune of Lethality ー From 8 to 12.
  • Greater Runes:
    • Fierce Greater Rune of Bravery ー From 15 to 25.
    • Fierce Greater Rune of Courage ー From 30 to 50.
    • Fierce Greater Rune of Cleaving ー From 15 to 25.
    • Fierce Greater Rune of Execution ー From 30 to 50.
    • Fierce Greater Rune of Blunting ー From 15 to 25.
    • Fierce Greater Rune of Crushing ー From 30 to 50.
    • Fierce Greater Rune of Lethality ー From 15 to 25.
    • Fierce Greater Rune of Finesse ー From 30 to 50.
    • Fierce Greater Rune of Aegis ー From 15 to 25.
    • Fierce Greater Rune of Evocation ー From 30 to 50.
    • Fierce Greater Rune of Glory ー From 15 to 25.
    • Fierce Greater Rune of Precision ー From 30 to 50.

Increased Haste for the following:

  • Lesser Runes:
    • Keen Lesser Rune of Bravery ー From 8 to 10.
    • Keen Lesser Rune of Courage ー From 16 to 20.
    • Keen Lesser Rune of Cleaving ー From 8 to 10.
    • Keen Lesser Rune of Execution ー From 16 to 20.
    • Keen Lesser Rune of Blunting ー From 8 to 10.
    • Keen Lesser Rune of Crushing ー From 16 to 20.
    • Keen Lesser Rune of Lethality ー From 8 to 10.
    • Keen Lesser Rune of Finesse ー From 16 to 20.
    • Keen Lesser Rune of Aegis ー From 8 to 10.
    • Keen Lesser Rune of Evocation ー From 16 to 20.
    • Keen Lesser Rune of Glory ー From 8 to 10.
    • Keen Lesser Rune of Precision ー From 16 to 20.
  • Greater Runes:
    • Keen Greater Rune of Bravery ー From 15 to 20.
    • Keen Greater Rune of Courage ー From 30 to 40.
    • Keen Greater Rune of Cleaving ー From 15 to 20.
    • Keen Greater Rune of Execution ー From 30 to 40.
    • Keen Greater Rune of Blunting ー From 15 to 20.
    • Keen Greater Rune of Crushing ー From 30 to 40.
    • Keen Greater Rune of Lethality ー From 15 to 20.
    • Keen Greater Rune of Finesse ー From 30 to 40.
    • Keen Greater Rune of Aegis ー From 15 to 20.
    • Keen Greater Rune of Evocation ー From 30 to 40.
    • Keen Greater Rune of Glory ー From 15 to 20.
    • Keen Greater Rune of Precision ー From 30 to 40.

Increased Precision for the following:

  • Lesser Runes:
    • Sharp Lesser Rune of Bravery ー From 8 to 12.
    • Sharp Lesser Rune of Courage ー From 16 to 24.
    • Sharp Lesser Rune of Cleaving ー From 8 to 12.
    • Sharp Lesser Rune of Execution ー From 16 to 24.
    • Sharp Lesser Rune of Blunting ー From 8 to 12.
    • Sharp Lesser Rune of Crushing ー From 16 to 24.
    • Sharp Lesser Rune of Lethality ー From 8 to 12.
    • Sharp Lesser Rune of Finesse ー From 16 to 24.
    • Sharp Lesser Rune of Aegis ー From 8 to 12.
    • Sharp Lesser Rune of Evocation ー From 16 to 24.
    • Sharp Lesser Rune of Glory ー From 8 to 12.
    • Sharp Lesser Rune of Precision ー From 16 to 24.
  • Greater Runes:
    • Sharp Greater Rune of Bravery ー From 15 to 25.
    • Sharp Greater Rune of Courage ー From 30 to 50.
    • Sharp Greater Rune of Cleaving ー From 15 to 25.
    • Sharp Greater Rune of Execution ー From 30 to 50.
    • Sharp Greater Rune of Blunting ー From 15 to 25.
    • Sharp Greater Rune of Crushing ー From 30 to 50.
    • Sharp Greater Rune of Lethality ー From 15 to 25.
    • Sharp Greater Rune of Finesse ー From 30 to 50.
    • Sharp Greater Rune of Aegis ー From 15 to 25.
    • Sharp Greater Rune of Evocation ー From 30 to 50.
    • Sharp Greater Rune of Glory ー From 15 to 25.
    • Sharp Greater Rune of Precision ー From 30 to 50.




  • Increased the amount of Open World Trees by approximately 50%, and added a new respawn mechanic that should further improve their availability.
  • Increased the amount of Open World Herbs & Mushrooms by approximately 50%, and raised their spawn rate.
  • Added a new NPC to the Eternal Night Society Lobby. 
    New guest on Leagros’ Vampire Club is looking for mischief.
  • From now on, when players attempt to access one of the three islands unlocked by Pirate Island Journal Artifacts, pirates will spawn at sea to engage them in battle.
  • Changed Secondary Attributes provided by Necktail item from 27 Defense Power and 20 Weapon Power to 30 Spell Defense and 15 Weapon Defense.
  • Increased the minimum Legacy Level required for Aether Echoes task to appear on the Adventurer’s Board from 40 to 75.
    This change is intended to make the completion of Adventurer's Board tasks smoother for lower level players, while retaining the number of available tasks for more established veterans.
  • Added an extra step into claiming reward from the Adventure's Board ー After the task is completed, the player will have to open the Board's menu and claim the reward. Echo Scrolls, Rift Charges and EXP Boosters will continue to be given automatically upon completing the task.
    This change is to facilitate players to level their inactive Archetypes.
  • From now on, players who have not logged into their main character (Land owner) for 14 consecutive days if they are Non-Patrons, or 28 consecutive days if they are Patrons, will lose ownership of their Open World Land plots. This change takes effect immediately and retroactively, so if you have already been inactive for that duration, your Open World Land will be lost, and a standard refund will be sent to your Inbox.



  • Ocean creatures will now drop new types of Infusions:
    • Tidal Infusion ー Provides 45 Experience to a piece of Equipment when Infused into it.
    • Oceanic Infusion ー Provides 125  Experience to a piece of Equipment when Infused into it.
    • Abyssal Infusion ー Provides 275 Experience to a piece of Equipment when Infused into it.
    • Maelstrom Infusion ー Provides 550 Experience to a piece of Equipment when Infused into it.
      These work in the same way as regular Infusions, just covering different ranges of Infusion EXP.
  • Reduced Orca's health from 26,000 to 18,200.
  • Increased the drop rate of crafting-related items from Sea Creatures ー Items used in ship recipes have received a significant boost of 100%, while other crafting materials have seen a moderate increase of 50%.
  • Solved some issues on interactions between players and creatures on land and sea.
    Now players on land can't receive damage from Sea Creatures and vice-versa.

Upcoming Updates will introduce new rare drops from Sea Creatures, along with additional recipes that use their drops as ingredients.


  • Changed the design of Stabilize Mixture to:
    Stabilize MixtureIf you critically strike within the next 4 actions, the item's durability will be restored by 3.
    This change aims to maintain the high risk and reward of its skill while reducing the risk of losing your effort.
  • Removed the passive requirement to craft 3 ingredient items: Prime Extract, Core essence and Core Catalyst.
  • Increased Alchemy Level required to craft Mana Surge Tonics, as well as the Effective Level needed to use them, from 33 to 35.

There will be more adjustments to Alchemy in future Updates.


Quality of Life

  • Implemented a function to the Action Bar where a player can add a melee skills to a queue system that will be executed as soon as the player gets close to the creature. Spells will also have a grayed-out animation if it is not possible to use it for some reason, such as being out of range and/or out of mana.
  • Implemented a visual feedback when the crosshair of a skill is out of range.
  • Implemented a checkbox confirmation feature to certain confirmation modals in the game (such as when infusing equipment with Bonded Infusions or Augmenting equipment) ー This is an extra step to help prevent players from accidentally performing actions that have irreversible outcomes.
  • Added Trade Channel to Chat UI.
  • Added information regarding the Infusion value as material to Equipment. The experience of trading will be made better and safer as buyers will be able to see the Infusion value of items they are purchasing prior to buying.
  • Applied adjustments to the behavior of expired and canceled offers in the Marketplace ー Items from expired offers will now go to the Inbox, while canceled offers will now go to the Inventory.
  • Aether Rift Charges and Adventuring Spirit are now displayed on the Adventurer's Board reward section.
  • Ravencrest Emblems will now be displayed on the Professions UI.
  • Changed Cooking Station recipes order to show low level recipes first.
  • Updated the map highlights for the Ranger's Company task to hunt Mammoths in the Frost Steppes, improving their accuracy.



  • Added clarification to the descriptions of Room upgrades to better inform that they provide bonus stats, not base stats.
  • Added clarification to the RavenCard rarity bonus tooltip to better explain how the system impacts chances of obtaining different rarities.
  • Added clarification to Legendary Rings description, informing that two of the same ring cannot be equipped at the same time.
  • Added a block to the dialogues of Soni and Thrain Darkhammer as their dialogues mentioned content that has not been implemented yet.
  • Replaced multiple Mammoths with Mammoth Bulls in the Icesteps region found in the Frost Steppes. The change was done to prepare the area for the newly implemented Primal Stampede event.
  • Replaced many skills used by Aether Echo bosses with new recolored versions that better match their origins lore-wise.
  • Replaced the visuals of Creatures involved in the Shadow From Our Past dynamic event with new recolored versions to better fit with their overall concept.
  • Added SFX to the following interactions: Opening Treasure Chests, Collect/Drop Tradepacks and Ships being destroyed.
  • Added SFX to the Augmenting Stone system (on fail/success interactions).
  • Added Portuguese translations for Profession passives.
  • Added Portuguese translations for Aether Echoes UI.
  • Added numerous minor Portuguese translations, primarily related to UI.



  • Addressed an issue that caused Open World Trees to spawn in much smaller quantities. Their spawn rate should now be working properly.
  • Fixed an issue where players were able to have more than 1 attribute room in the same house. Any existing houses that already have multiple attribute rooms, be aware that only the highest Tier will be considered for your character.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed the incorrect placement of crops in adjacent tiles where it would normally be not possible inside the Community Land.
  • Fixed an issue with The Reliant Shipwright story quest that prevented players from sailing into the deep ocean before completing it.
  • Players can now properly sell Tier 2 Equipment to active Buy Order feature from another player in the Marketplace.
  • Fixed an Issue where players were not able to sell Equipment with higher grades on Buy Order.
  • Fixed an issue with the weapon crafting tutorial not completing under certain situations.
  • Blocked the possibility to purchase two of the same Mobile Munk.



  • Fixed an issue where Aether Stones could be destroyed before all creatures spawned by it were defeated.
  • Fixed an issue where Strong Permafrost condition was not being properly consumed by Obsession Igneous Icebreak boss skill.
  • Fixed an issue where players could cast Fierce Leap skill twice while equipped with the Minotaur Duelist RavenCard.
  • Fixed an issue where Fierce Leap skill with Minotaur Duelist RavenCard was causing tiles to become impassable.
  • Fixed the trinket Sharakhai Fetish not working correctly when unequipping a melee weapon.



  • The player's status interface in Aether Rift builds now correctly displays the values.
  • Builds are now saving the Attribute Points spent on the Primary Attributes properly.
  • Fixed an issue where messages would occasionally not appear in the Message Box.
  • Fixed an Issue where after changing the Presets the Ability Bars were not updated with missing slots from new extra bars. Action Bars should now display correctly.



Lastly, we’d like to share some upcoming improvements for Guild Wars! While these changes won’t be part of Update 2.0.2 just yet, they are scheduled to be implemented with a hotfix in the coming days, just in time for this week’s Guild Wars.

Our goal is to provide the best quality and a smooth experience for all players, which is why we’ve slightly delayed the rollout of these changes. However, we believe our community deserves to know the direction we’re headed, and we’re eager to hear your feedback on the changes listed below.

Since the release of Horizon's Call, we have been reading through your feedback and looking at ways to build upon the foundations of this system. One thing that was made clear is the fact that some participating Guilds do not engage with the event at all and simply enter Guild Wars in order to send one person in and throw the match.

This, of course, is not a strategy that we wish to reward as even the rewards granted to a losing Guild ought to be earned. With that being said, let’s move into the planned new improvements to Guild Wars system.


Upcoming Guild Wars Changes:

  • Guild Wars will use the points scored to determine the reward for the losing Guild. 
    In order to receive 100 Warforging Shards for the participating team and 50 for all other members, the team will have to score at least 1,000 Points during the Guild Wars battle to receive the maximum value of this reward.
    If a Guild scores less, they will receive proportionally less Warforging Shards for the team and non-participating members.
  • The value of killing enemy players inside Guild Wars will change from 1 ➝ 5 Points.
  • The value of capturing the flag inside Guild Wars will change from 50 ➝ 100 Points.
  • The minimum required bid will change from 3,000,000 ➝ 5,000,000 silver.
  • If a team does not show up to participate in Guild Wars, they will receive no rewards.
  • Guild Wars UI tooltips will change to display the updated information.

The system's development is ongoing, and we remain focused on identifying future improvements while staying committed to resolving all current and future issues that may arise during gameplay. With these changes in place, we expect to see everyone giving their best while battling inside of Guild Wars! 


So, grab your pickaxe now and explore Update 2.0.2 in depth!